Monday, December 5, 2011

Hiking Festival

 Hi......everybody !!
Long time no see.
I`m so sorry to be absent to present every month new blog for last month, November. Because I`m very busy with my personal.
This time I would like to share my amazing feeling that Mt. Takao hiking course with Support`s members and me for you all guys.
November 27th, sunny morning Support 21`s members and me had participated the Mt. Takao hiking trip. Before I have never hiking experiences. But I had started to challenge from 2 months ago. Now I  love and crazy for this amazing feeling.
On that morning, the Sun was shining and brightly through the trees. There was a large crowd such as from kids to adults had held the Mt.Takao hiking rout like parade through the shopping streets. The souvenir shops and traditional Japanese foods shops were warm welcomed to all of people. I had got not only amazing seasonal view of forest but also visiting of Pagoda Festival. Everybody were lively, noisy, enjoy and fun including me.
I had got another chance that is spectacular view of Mt. Fuji like same eyes level. So, I could enjoy a refreshing power in this course.
I could sense that the aroma of forest and got well power spirits like never give up that care enough for the living from this trip.