Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry X`mas and Happy New year

Wow......Merry X`mas!

Hi,  everybody  Merry X`mas and Happy New year !!

All of children around the world are crazy  Santa Clause as like as me. I really love very much because I got the special  present in every Christmas. My heart is beating faster than as usual in X`mas night.  I wonder what kind of gift will be coming. I look out for him from the peep-hole so many times. And I listen to the jingle bell from my bed because I would like to say greeting him. He is always late night so I have never seen him but already put the gift in my bed.
But my mom told me, some of children in the world can not get this chance from Santa Clause. They are stolen their childhood by terrorism, war and disaster. I`m shock  and pain in my heart when I hear about that. Santa Clause, I don`t want to need the present this year. But I have request, you are wonderful great man so you can change to heal  the world.Today we stand together all around the world. This time we must be success.  This is for the children of the world. I really believe that
Let`s have fun ! Hi, everybody Merry X`mas and Happy New Year 2011!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Hi  everybody ;
Let me invite my lovely home sweet home.
皆さん よこそ僕の素敵な家へ。

My name is Leo. I`m 9 years old and 3rd grade elementary school. I live actually in Tokyo  with my dad and mom. I`m single child in my family. Um...... Sometime is lucky and sometime is boring. My apartment is on the 4th floor and every rooms with windows.  And I can look out over beautiful views from all  windows. And my living room can look out Sunshine city and Mt.fuji. And also bed room can look out SKY TREE.  And I can hear singing of the birds such as sparrow in the morning. So every breakfast is greatest  for me you know. I would like to present some pictures. I hope you will enjoy indeed.

I continue my conversation. Now I have been learning  piano because I love music. Especially Michael Jackson's  songs. My mom is also and addition with gardening. And my mom always display flower arrangement everywhere in my home. So I believe my home is my paradise .

Friday, October 1, 2010

Scream of the Dead

In this time, I would like to introduce with some Burmese Modern arts which are very exciting and deep emotion to me. That's why, I would to share these.
今回紹介したいのは私をとてもおもしろく、こふんさせる ビルマ現代芸術作品の一部です。実の展覧会では小さい部屋の天井からプロジェータで壁角方へ本のように移るかたちで見せました。

Scream of the Dead had been shown at the Yokohama Triennial Exhibition in 2005. It is provocative and shocking like the open mass-grave in the computer -installation  which  it refuse to talk about the war. Scream of the Dead is worked by modern artist Po Po.
死者の声言う作品は2005年で横浜市が開催された展覧会でパソコンを使用した戦争を違反した ポポの作品です。

Po Po, he was born in 1957 in the Burmese district capital Pathein.He is one of the famous modern artist the abroad. His works are few and far between but amazingly full of depth. 
ポポは1957年生まれ、ビルマのバゼン市しゅしんです。彼は海外で有名な芸術家一人であり、作品はつくないけと とてもおもしろく、とても深い作品ばかりです。

Scream of the Dead is said by the artist to be a metaphor. This installation, which arose in 2003, 2005 in collaboration with the composer and songwriter Myint Moe Aung and another visual artist Soe Naing.  Soe Naing was making a lot of clay sculptures, so they use images of them in poetry book, which is now being handed round as a CD in their art community. And then, to transform the CD book into a form of exhibition. This installation had been presented by 3 versions such as in English, Japanese and Burmese.
死者の声と言う作品は芸術家のぞうびてき生活を見えます。2003,2005年時この作品を作曲者ミイ モウアウー氏、象芸家 ソーナイ氏と共同で作りました。この詩本を彼ら達はCDから映像のように再生して表現をしました。展覧会ではビルマ語、英語、と日本語で説明させました。

The audience had been understood what is happening to other people in Myanmar via the experience of Scream of the Dead. In other words, it is the metaphor of existence in Myanmar and the world today.
This project is in Singapore,2004, and Yokohama in 2005. In 2006, it was shown in Sweden..
も一つの言でば 現在の世界とビルマで現実的なされてる状況をこのプロージェトで 2004年 シンガポール、2005年 横浜、2006年 スウェデンで展示する事が出来ました。 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

ビルマの モデンアテイツト’PO POの作品

Scream of the Dead"と言う戦争を表現した作品は 2005年に横浜市の現代芸術展覧会(YOKOHAMA TRIENNIAL EXHIBITION)で見ました 心の中にずっと残っているので、皆さんにも知ってもらいたいと思いました.
1.Scream of The Dead


2.Different war 

city 2001 Fukuoka

Sunday, September 12, 2010

White Radish Salad (酢大根サラダ)モンラウトッウ

In this time, I would like to present for one of the famous salad among my Japanese friends. That 's taste is sweeten  sour, flavor of green chilli and fried garlic to improve for good serving.

Ingredients ( For 4 Person ) 4 人前

1.White Radish Slice                       大根 スライス               400gm
2.Rice Vinegar         Dinner Spoon     酢     大さじ                6      
3.Sesame                 Dinner Spoon    ごま 大さじ White    1、
4.Crush Peanut       Dinner Spoon    ピーナツ 大さじ        3        
5. Fish Sauce       Tea Spoon       ナンプラ 少さじ     2
6.Dried Prawn Powder   Tea Spoon            桜えび 大さじ       1
7.Fried Garlic  slice and Oil Dinner Spoon       揚げにんにく 大さじ       1
8.Green Chilli Slice              青唐辛子  スライス          2本

How To Make It? 作り方?
1. Put in the net bowl after white radish slice wash with the water.

2.  White radish slice put in ziploc pack and then pour vinegar and keep in  refrigerator for one day.

 3. After white radish slice squeeze vinegar, put in the bowl slowly mix with ingredient from 3 to 8.
次の日 、大根スライスを絞ってボールに3番~8番までの材料を軽く和えて 完成です。

4.If you afraid the chili taste, you must remove and serve.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Hta Ma Ne (Sticky Rice Snack) タマネー

At first, I would like to introduce with Hta Ma Ne which is the Burmese winter festival food, one of famous among the Burmese ethnic races.

 Ingredients ( For 4 Person ) 4 人前

1.Sticky Rice                       もち米          1合
2.Salad Oil     Dinner Spoon  サラダ油 大さじ      6
3.Sesame      Dinner Spoon  ごま 大さじ White 1、 Black  2
4.Peanut                         ピーナツ        100gm
5.Water                                   水           250cc
6.Salt        Tea Spoon      塩 少さじ        1。5
7.Sugar       Tea Spoon    砂糖 少さじ       1
8.Ginger thinner slice                     生姜スライス       30gm
9.Margarine       Tea Spoon    マガリン 少さじ     2
10.Coconut Flake    Dinner Spoon ヤシの実のスライス 大さじ 5

How To Make It? 作り方?
1. Cook The Stick Rice. もち米1合を炊いて。

 2. After Cooking , No.2 to 8  and  Coconut Flake 3 Table spoon
are mixed and low fried in pan   with wooden spoon until consistent .
炊いた後2番から8番まで材料とココナツ フレク 少さじ 3杯たけを入れて。フライパンに弱火

3. Fry Coconut Flake 2 Table spoon with Margarine until golden brown .
  マガリン 少さじ 2杯で残り ココナツ フレクを キツネ色なるまで あげます。

 4. After finished step 2 , put on plate and top on the fried Coconut Flake .
  手順2番が終わったら 揚げココナツ フレクを皿の上に一番上に乗せ、それで完了。