Monday, July 23, 2012

Angel Anniversary

Congratulations and domo arigato to Angel Guitar !!!
Today is the Angel should be absolutely shining on the most special day.
Thanks to you, Angel was a success for the 1st anniversary.
All of Angel`s members celebrated a year of smile, laughter, happiness and love with the first Angel Anniversary.
Angel who is strength, shine and dream was greatly appreciated.
Angel will always alive and lie in my heart with the live and amazing music.
Many believe that whatever I can and enjoy life when I face the anything alone.
And then, Angel make me feel to delicate, smile and peace to my heart forever.
I wanna join in the joyous celebrations from the first Anniversary to till the Silver, Golden and Diamond Anniversary with my beloved members.
Special thanks to Support 21, the greatest and wonderful teacher Kamimori and all of members. I love you so much !!