In this time, I would like to present for one of the famous salad among my Japanese friends. That 's taste is sweeten sour, flavor of green chilli and fried garlic to improve for good serving.
Ingredients ( For 4 Person )
4 人前
1.White Radish Slice
大根 スライス 400gm
2.Rice Vinegar Dinner Spoon
酢 大さじ 6
3.Sesame Dinner Spoon
ごま 大さじ White
白 1、
4.Crush Peanut Dinner Spoon
ピーナツ 大さじ 3
5. Fish Sauce Tea Spoon
ナンプラ 少さじ 2
6.Dried Prawn Powder Tea Spoon
桜えび 大さじ 1
7.Fried Garlic slice and Oil Dinner Spoon
揚げにんにく 大さじ 1
8.Green Chilli Slice
青唐辛子 スライス 2本
How To Make It?
1. Put in the net bowl after white radish slice wash with the water.
2. White radish slice put in ziploc pack and then pour vinegar and keep in refrigerator for one day.
3. After white radish slice squeeze vinegar, put in the bowl slowly mix with ingredient from 3 to 8.
次の日 、大根スライスを絞ってボールに3番~8番までの材料を軽く和えて 完成です。
4.If you afraid the chili taste, you must remove and serve.